
Показано дописи з вересень, 2018
IGT-CRYPTO is a crypto-exchange from the IGT Company, which unites professionals who came to the field of blockchain from classical financial markets. Programmers together with successful financiers have created a platform that combines advanced technological solutions, high level of security and transactions speed. The idea of creating a cryptocurrency trading platform was born in our company in late 2016. The actively developing blockchain technology and a dynamic cryptocurrency market could not but turn our attention to this field. At the time of 2016, the main problems of the cryptocurrency market were: limited number of trusted platforms offering the purchase and exchange of cryptocurrencies. The lack of service and many other issues - prompted us to start developing our own platform. The members of our team are experts in trading on the financial and cryptocurrency markets,whohavemanyyearsofexperienceinworkingwithglobalbrokers.Understanding the market from a customer’s po